In the web hosting field, cloud architecture means using different web servers for each service that is a part of the hosting service. In other words, your files, databases and emails will not run on the exact same machine, but on separate ones. Such a setup results in higher uptime and superior overall performance as only one kind of system processes will work on the server, so the resources will be utilized as effectively as possible. A lot of service providers nowadays promote their cloud services, but what they provide is not actual cloud architecture for the simple reason that the web hosting control panels they use are not designed to operate with anything different from an individual server. When everything runs on one machine, an issue with a single service can take the server offline. In this light, when you are looking for cloud hosting, you should check whether the service you'll receive is really a cloud one or whether it is a marketing trick.

Genuine Cloud Architecture in Cloud Web Hosting

Each and every shared hosting plan that we provide is generated on our advanced cloud platform, so you will be able to take full advantage of this setup. Separate clusters of hosting servers will handle your files, databases, e-mail messages, stats, Control Panel, etcetera, and we can keep adding machines to every cluster that requires them. The Hepsia Control Panel that you will receive to manage your new account is custom-built and was created specifically for multi-domain cloud internet hosting, so there shall be nothing that will restrict you from using the full potential of our genuine cloud platform. Since we also use ZFS-based storage and NVMe drives, our shared website hosting service will give your sites the speed and reliability that you need since we've practically eliminated any downtime of our servers.

Genuine Cloud Architecture in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are set up on an actual cloud platform, which enables us to provide for real all the unrestricted features that we offer. We don't have just a separate machine for your files and databases - instead, we have employed whole clusters of servers which take care of every single part of the hosting service, so if an attribute is listed as unrestricted, it actually is. Our custom made configuration allows us to add additional machines to every cluster that requires them and we own multiple clusters for flawless overall service - for files, databases, usage statistics, e-mails, logs, Control Panel, and many others. All of the machines that make up a cluster are redundant, so your websites will be working at all times. The Hepsia Control Panel, that was made by our developers, was intended for multi-domain cloud hosting, so it'll boost your user experience and will not limit the capabilities of our platform as almost every other control panel would.