When you use a script-driven app on your website and all content that you create is saved in a database, your hosting plan has to come with enough database storage space, so as to ensure that even if the site expands, you won't experience any kind of problems because of the shortage of storage space. PostgreSQL is an example of a widespread database management system which is used with numerous scalable web apps and in case you need top-notch performance and security for your site, it is likely that you'll employ this solution. Considering this, you need a hosting package that will not restrict your online presence, particularly if you need to manage a number of websites and each of them employs PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting

Several of the cloud web hosting plans that we provide are suitable for hosting websites that need a PostgreSQL database to work since they come with unrestricted database storage space. With any of these plans, you are able to install and manage any sort of PostgreSQL-driven script application and enjoy an efficient and reliable web hosting service. We are able to supply unlimited database storage space since we don't manage everything on one and the same server. Alternatively, all the PostgreSQL databases are handled by an independent cluster, which is a part of our tailor-made cloud web hosting platform, which means that we can always insert extra hard drives or whole servers to your cluster when required. With our shared hosting services, you will not ever have to worry that the growth of your websites will be restricted due to the insufficient space for your databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get one of our semi-dedicated plans, you will be able to run PostgreSQL websites without having to worry that you can reach any sort of limit for the size of your databases, because there isn't such a restriction. Using our cloud hosting platform, a dedicated cluster of servers handles your databases, so when more computing power or database storage is needed at any moment, we just link extra servers or hard disk drives. Unlike various other providers, we do not manage everything on a single server. All of our plans are powerful and enable you to manage heavy, resource-demanding sites, so we have made sure that the PostgreSQL database storage space attribute matches all the rest of the features. The Hepsia web hosting Control Panel that is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts allows you to see the size of each and every PostgreSQL database you have plus the total size of all the databases, and these numbers will be accessible solely for your own information.